Follows a pair of siblings who love but distrust each other as they embark on a white-water rafting trip with a small group. One of their friends from childhood turns out to be more dangerous than he appears.
Follows a pair of siblings who love but distrust each other as they embark on a white-water rafting trip with a small group. One of their friends from childhood turns out to be more dangerous than he appears.
Sarah, a depressed college drop out, must uncover her family's twisted history, and her own greater purpose if she is to defeat the Salem Doll, a monstrous wooden creature that terrorises Sarah and her loved ones.
Lucas and Mathias, 8-year-old sons of lumberjacks in the Vosges forest, are the best of friends. One day, while driving his car, Lucas' father fatally collides with Mathias, who is cycling down the mountain. Sitting in the back of the car, Lucas watches helplessly as his father throws his friend's lifeless body into the ravine. One look is all it takes for him to realize that h...