Everyone has their own secrets; Do you dare to reveal them?上班族阿巫生活營營役役,對身邊事物毫不關心。一次被屋苑業主立案法團主席責難後,阿巫出動無人機偷看主席生活,卻從中發現各家各戶的秘密;陽光活力的健身教練、性伴繁多的跳舞導師、笑容可人的幼稚園老師、恩愛和睦的教授夫婦、沈默內歛的印傭姐姐、朝夕監視屋苑的業主立案法國主席……原來都各有故事。嘗試窺看各戶鄰居之際,阿巫警見太太阿凌出現在鄰居家中,令事情變得一發不可收拾。二人本來靜如止水的生活,從此翻起巨浪。阿巫愈了解各戶鄰居,卻愈不了解自己太太。城市生活,萬家燈火,各屋餐下都自有每個人的無人之境。
A man suddenly attacks a family event at East Coast Park, driving into the crowd recklessly and then exits the vehicle, slashing whoever comes into his sight. After experiencing this traumatic event, the survivors face immense challenges in rebuilding their life.