曾经荣获奥斯卡人道主义奖的大编剧史蒂文(艾伯特·布鲁克斯 Albert Brooks 饰),如今却沦为了无人问津的无名小卒,个中滋味,他只有自己默默咀嚼在好友杰克(杰夫·布里吉斯 Jeff Bridges 饰)的引荐下,史蒂文结识了美丽性感的莎拉(莎朗·斯通 Sharon Stone 饰),杰克告诉史蒂文,当初正是由于莎拉这位“缪斯”的存在,他才取得现今如日中天的地位。 莎拉乖僻又古怪的性格惹得史蒂文十分恼火,她不断的向史蒂文提出各种各样的要求,也逐渐侵蚀着史蒂文的生活。史蒂文正在写一个剧本,当他向莎拉请教情节走向时,莎拉却要求史蒂文带她去水族馆,而正是在那里,史蒂文获得了巨大的灵感,也开始明白了莎拉并非招摇撞骗之徒。在莎拉的影响之下,史蒂文逐渐在工作中找回了自信,再一次抵达了事业的顶峰
Melody Brooks is navigating sixth grade as a nonverbal wheelchair user who has cerebral palsy. With the help of some assistive technology and her devoted, exuberant allies, Melody shows that what she has to say is more important than how she says it. Out of My Mind presents a sincere experience of teenage girlhood through the lenses of disability and belonging. Director Amber Sealey crafts a world around Melody that is all too familiar; at once full of love, fun, and opportunity, yet systemically unfair to those who are different. Actress Phoebe-Rae Taylor, who similarly lives with cerebral palsy, embodies Melody from a place of authenticity and heart. Melody’s wants courageously steer this narrative — her desires to prove her intelligence, befriend girls her age, and, ultimately, break free from the limiting preconceptions of others, are both unique and deeply universal. This is a powerful story about finding one’s voice, bolstered by the collective passion and advocacy of those who are willing to really listen.—CA 源自:https://festival.sundance.org/program/film/656a0188fac9f44f88c04164