俄克拉荷马出身的青年克劳德(John Savage 饰)背井离乡计划参军,机缘之下结识了四位嬉皮士朋友乔治(Treat Williams 饰)、拉斐、沃夫以及珍妮。他们一起在街头吸毒露宿,克劳德对有钱人家的小姐席拉(Beverly D'Angelo 饰)一见钟情,乔治为使两人相见,带领几位朋友大闹席拉家的宴会,结果被投进监狱,乔治得以保释后四处筹钱,狱中的朋友们则因不愿剪去长发再掀波澜。五人出狱后参加了一场反战集会,克劳德与席拉擦出了爱情的火花,但第二天,克劳德就踏进了军营准备参加越战。席拉与乔治等人驱车上千公里探望克劳德,在军队出征的前夕,克劳德与乔治的身份发生了颠倒……
In this smart and erotic psychological thriller from alumni filmmaker Nate Dushku, we follow bird watcher Kristian Brooks as he invades a nude queer campground in New Hampshire, manipulating others to serve his dark fetish while blurring the line between protagonist and antagonist. For fans of Stranger By the Lake, BIRDER captivates and challenges its audience, bringing into conversation questions of consent and overt sexuality. Actor Michael Emery gives a complex and enigmatic lead performance that is equal parts sexy and terrifying, and the naturalistic setting and minimalistic filmmaking style only further serve this sophisticated and wildly adventurous narrative.