石来在 S 市偶然结识了落魄的酒吧女乐手程飞雪,程飞雪在一个酒吧找到工作,石来也留在 S 市德修武馆做杂工,两人交往中渐生情愫。德修武馆中的厨师吴延,正是当年的武学奇人、隐姓埋名的伍原,但此时父子并不相识。
德修武馆馆主看重石来,让石来代表德修武馆和金碧武馆的进行对抗赛。此时程飞雪认识了音乐制作人 Jason ,两人交往密切。石来受到程飞雪移情别恋的影响,在武馆对抗赛中惨败,一蹶不振。
伍原得知石来就是自己亲生儿子后,帮助石来在搏击大赛中取得冠军。赛后石来打算离开 S 市的时候,在路口发现伍原已在等候他。伍原向石来坦白身份,父子俩开始一场比武。之后石来继续踏上他未完的人生路。
Brilliant but emotionally guarded Caro Drake arrives in Oxford with the singular goal of attaining her PhD - but through a turbulent friendship with a charming young man, Caro begins to open herself up to mystery, vulnerability, and love.
Soélie, a young motocross prodigy, sees her dreams of success shattered by an accident. She now devotes herself to training her brother, Michael. When he is recruited by TMAX scooter racers for a high-profile heist in Paris, Soélie must overcome her fears to save him.