身形矮小、其貌不扬的柯克(杰伊·巴鲁切尔 Jay Baruchel 饰)是供职于匹兹堡机场的一名普通保安。他的爱情可以称得上是完败,女友玛妮(林德赛·斯隆 Lindsay Sloane 饰)弃之而去,他一心重修旧好而不能;工作枯燥乏味,波澜不惊,平时最多和学生时代的好友扯扯皮、谈谈心,俨然一个不被人关注的废柴。
然而就是这么一个小人物,却狠狠交了一把桃花运。偶然机会,柯克邂逅了美丽出众、光彩夺目的富家女莫莉(爱丽丝·伊芙 Alice Eve 饰),对方热情主动,令柯克如坠梦中。一段身份地位乃至各个方面都极不相称的恋情就此展开,不过诸多的麻烦也随即涌现,柯克该如何面对这突如其来的一切……
In this smart and erotic psychological thriller from alumni filmmaker Nate Dushku, we follow bird watcher Kristian Brooks as he invades a nude queer campground in New Hampshire, manipulating others to serve his dark fetish while blurring the line between protagonist and antagonist. For fans of Stranger By the Lake, BIRDER captivates and challenges its audience, bringing into conversation questions of consent and overt sexuality. Actor Michael Emery gives a complex and enigmatic lead performance that is equal parts sexy and terrifying, and the naturalistic setting and minimalistic filmmaking style only further serve this sophisticated and wildly adventurous narrative.