妈妈的离去,给雷(艾力克斯•豪斯 Alex House 饰)留下了一个因精神问题家里蹲了4年的哥哥莫里(大卫•兰道尔 David Rendall 饰),傲慢的妹妹莉莎(塔提阿娜•玛斯拉尼 Tatiana Maslany 饰),不怎么大的房子和一只名为“先生”的猫。无奈之下,雷从公寓搬回了家中,开始了和兄妹们的同居生活。爱好高达模型性格孤僻的雷各种不适应,其中最棘手的莫过于被妈妈从日本接过来的外婆(罇真佐子 饰)。外婆不会说英语,整日坐在窗前发呆,每天早晨要花很长时间在厕所,出来后会叹一大口气,喜欢看空气吉他表演。 住在同一屋檐下的四人一猫,在磨合中渐渐有了交集。雷的电话开始多了,莫里对妈妈留下的缝纫机产生兴趣,莉莎注意上了诗歌课上的个性男。不会说英语的外婆能够神奇的感知他们的内心,会做好吃的煎饺。雷也把原来准备买模型的钱用来购置日式马桶。一家人因为外婆微妙的联系在一起。
In this smart and erotic psychological thriller from alumni filmmaker Nate Dushku, we follow bird watcher Kristian Brooks as he invades a nude queer campground in New Hampshire, manipulating others to serve his dark fetish while blurring the line between protagonist and antagonist. For fans of Stranger By the Lake, BIRDER captivates and challenges its audience, bringing into conversation questions of consent and overt sexuality. Actor Michael Emery gives a complex and enigmatic lead performance that is equal parts sexy and terrifying, and the naturalistic setting and minimalistic filmmaking style only further serve this sophisticated and wildly adventurous narrative.