6500万年前,一颗小行星与地球擦肩而过,称霸这个世界的恐龙懵懵懂懂地逃过了灭顶之灾。之后又过了数百万年,恐龙的智力得到进化,它们学会种植、畜牧、建筑,并且拥有属于自己的语言和家庭。某座山脚下的平原地带,雷龙一家迎来三个性格各异的娃娃,最小的阿洛(雷蒙德·奥乔亚 Ray mond Ochoa 配音)孱弱胆怯,与父亲的生离死别更在他的心中投下难以磨灭的阴影。一连串的事件过后,他与妈妈、哥哥、姐姐相隔万里。阿洛将这一切都归罪于原始人类的小孩点点(杰克·布赖特 Jack Bright 配音)。而点点似乎不为所动,他主动亲近阿洛,仿佛是一条忠诚勇敢的小狗。
In this smart and erotic psychological thriller from alumni filmmaker Nate Dushku, we follow bird watcher Kristian Brooks as he invades a nude queer campground in New Hampshire, manipulating others to serve his dark fetish while blurring the line between protagonist and antagonist. For fans of Stranger By the Lake, BIRDER captivates and challenges its audience, bringing into conversation questions of consent and overt sexuality. Actor Michael Emery gives a complex and enigmatic lead performance that is equal parts sexy and terrifying, and the naturalistic setting and minimalistic filmmaking style only further serve this sophisticated and wildly adventurous narrative.