A young criminal defense attorney struggles with a homicide case that is not as cut and dry as it appears while battling a drinking habit. The story goes beyond the
lives of those directly related to the case and shines a much needed spotlight on the horrific world of human trafficking in the United States.
After losing a major fight, a professional MMA fighter returns home from Vegas, where he reunites with various individuals from his past - including a father/son duo who recruit him to engage in their daring bank heists.
浣熊行动的失败,使得艾斯·文图拉(金·凯瑞 Jim Carrey 饰)决定前往喜马拉雅山深处进行修行,锻炼自己避免再出现浣熊行动这样的事情出现。时间过得很快,一天艾斯突然收到邀请。非洲瓦查蒂族的神物——一只白色大蝙蝠不知所踪。他们希望艾斯重出江湖,帮他们找回这只白蝙蝠。一踏上非洲大陆,艾斯就立马展开了侦查工作。首先,艾斯将怀疑对象锁定在了野生动物园园长身上,可是却苦苦无法找到证据,只好作罢。接着他又怀疑是部落巫师偷走的,但是也是毫无头绪。在笑料百出的调查过程中,艾斯发现白蝙蝠原来在两个盗猎者手上,而其幕后首脑居然是大使。原来,为了独占蝙蝠粪这一稀有资源,他不惜挑起部族之间的矛盾,以此来从中渔利。最终,艾斯借助动物们的帮助,将白蝙蝠完璧归赵。